Friday, February 24, 2017

Trumpets Blaring & Banners Waving

Jim here. You know, the guy that bolted. Yeah well, I'm back. Not sure if anyone has been here while I was gone. Probably not and I don't blame you. I just checked out for awhile. Left in the middle of the night. Didn't leave a note. Didn't even pack. Just poof. Gone. But hey, it's not like I broke anybody's heart right?

Anyway, we're starting fresh here. Got a few new things cooking and I'll be posting those very soon. I just wanted to let everyone know I was back, you know, so the thousands of people out there wondering can finally sleep well. Hardboiled Partners in Crime is back whether you like it or not! 


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Dead Guns Press

Just a quick note. I've got a new short story up over at Dead Guns Press. Thanks to John who runs it and liked the story. I always appreciate it.

Many A Poor Boy is right here


Monday, April 6, 2015

Short Story

Been some time since a post here folks. I don't have much news really. I'm writing when I can which isn't nearly as much as I'd like to. Lots of things going on at work, home and up close personal. Some good, some not so good and that's life basically. Still trying to finish that novel and I write a little short story every once in awhile. Here's one that just went up today at Shotgun Honey - still one of my favorite haunts for short crime fiction. My story Nightcap is right here.      

Until next time, keep it between the lines.


Friday, February 6, 2015